
Showing posts from May, 2024

The Trump Clinton Comparison

 I write this the day after Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of election fraud by a New York jury. Many are celebrating and many are angry. There's a lot to unpack and some of the arguments making the rounds are pretty out there. There are some like Elon Musk who seems to be upset that power and money were not sufficient to protect Donald. There are some claiming it is politically motivated, overlooking the fact that Trump's attorneys helped choose the jurors who eventually found him guilty. There are deliberate misinterpretations of the jury instructions. But the one I am choosing to address here is: Bill Clinton did the same thing and nothing happened to him. Let's start with the obvious flaw. The focus of this argument places the emphasis on the sex act. But sex acts are not and never were what either man got in trouble for. In Clinton's case he lied under oath about it. In Donald's case he made payouts and conspired with a magazine to publish stories i

Reality Tunnels and Politics

  I learned about the concept of reality tunnels from Robert Anton Wilson. I have always found it a useful tool in thinking through issues, in seeing someone else's point of view in a debate, and in challenging myself to make sure my own b.s. was clouding my perception on issues any more than I could help. If you are not familiar with the idea of reality tunnels, it is a pretty simple concept. Most people think that there is a fundamental reality that is immutable and that we can all agree on based on our senses. The idea of reality tunnels is that even the reality you experience with your senses is being filtered through your perceptions and biases. In other words, think of the famous cartoon, of which there are innumerable versions, where there is a number on the ground and the man on the left says six and the one on the right says 9. Both are right, because from the vantage they are viewing the number that is what each sees. The "reality" that you perceive